Sunday, December 29, 2019

Drop Down List Inside a DBGrid

Heres how to place a drop-down pick list into a DBGrid. Create visually more attractive user interfaces for editing lookup fields inside a DBGrid - using the PickList property of a DBGrid column. Now, that you know what are  lookup fields, and what are the options of displaying a lookup field in Delphis DBGrid, its time to see how to use the PickList property of a DGBrid column to enable a user to pick a value for a lookup field from a drop-down list box. A Quick Info on DBGrid Columns Property A DBGrid control has a Columns property - a collection of TColumn objects representing all of the columns in a grid control. Columns can be set at design time through the Columns editor, or programmatically at runtime. Youll usually add Columns to a DBGird when you want to define how a column appears, how the data in the column is displayed and to access the properties, events, and methods of TDBGridColumns at runtime. A customized grid enables you to configure multiple columns to present different views of the same dataset (different column orders, different field choices, and different column colors and fonts, for example). Now, each Column in a grid is linked to a field from a dataset displayed in the grid. Whats more, each column has a PickList property. The PickList property lists values that the user can select for the columns linked field value. Filling the PickList What you will learn here is how to fill that String List with values from another dataset at run time.Recall, that we are editing the Articles table and that a Subject field can only accept values from the Subjects table: the ideal situation for the PickList! Heres how to set up the PickList property. First, we add a call to the SetupGridPickList procedure in the Forms OnCreate event handler. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin SetupGridPickList(Subject, SELECT Name FROM Subjects);end; The easiest way to create the SetupGridPickList procedure is to go to the private part of the form declaration, add the declaration there and hit the CTRL SHIFT C key combination - Delphis  code completion  will do the rest: ...type TForm1 class(TForm)... privateprocedure SetupGridPickList( const FieldName : string; const sql : string); public... Note: the SetupGridPickList procedure takes two parameters. The first parameter, FieldName, is the name of the field we want to act like a lookup field; the second parameter, SQL, is the SQL expression we use to populate the PickList with possible values - in general, the SQL expression should return a dataset with only one field. Heres how the SetupGridPickList looks like: procedure TForm1.SetupGridPickList(const FieldName, sql: string);var slPickList:TStringList; Query : TADOQuery; i : integer;begin slPickList:TStringList.Create; Query : TADOQuery.Create(self); try Query.Connection : ADOConnection1; Query.SQL.Text : sql; Query.Open; //Fill the string listwhile not Query.EOF dobegin slPickList.Add(Query.Fields[0].AsString); Query.Next; end; //while //place the list it the correct columnfor i:0 to DBGrid1.Columns.Count-1 do if DBGrid1.Columns[i].FieldName FieldName thenbegin DBGrid1.Columns[i].PickList:slPickList; Break; end; finally slPickList.Free; Query.Free; end; end; (*SetupGridPickList*) Thats it. Now, when you click the Subject column (to enter into edit mode). Note 1: by default, the drop-down list displays 7 values. You can change the length of this list by setting the DropDownRows property. Note 2: nothing stops you from filling up the PickList from a list of values not coming from a database table. If, for example, you have a field that only accepts weekday names (Monday, ..., Sunday) you can build a hard-coded PickList. Uh, I need to click the PickList 4 times... Note that when you want to edit the field displaying a drop-down list, youll need to click the cell 4 times in order to actually pick a value from a list. The next code snippet, added to the DBGrids OnCellClick event handler, mimics a hit to the F2 key followed by Alt DownArrow. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);begin//Making the drop-down pick list appear fasterif Column.PickList.Count 0 thenbegin keybd_event(VK_F2,0,0,0); keybd_event(VK_F2,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(VK_MENU,0,0,0); keybd_event(VK_DOWN,0,0,0); keybd_event(VK_DOWN,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(VK_MENU,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); end;end;

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Russian Affiliate Congress And Expo - 1771 Words

Blog 7 – The Russian Affiliate Congress and Expo wraps up with interesting results Russia has been making plenty of headlines as of late within the online casino industry. This is because after years in the doldrums, it seems that Russia is finally looking fulfil its potential and become a prominent online casino market. As a result of this newfound enthusiasm several new online casino brands have been introduced to Russian shores. But not only that, the Russian Government have redesigned, redeveloped, and in many ways re-launched the annual Russian Affiliate Congress and Expo (RACE). Taking placing in Moscow, RACE 2015 was an event that played host to some of the online casino industry’s most esteemed luminaries, ambassadors, and†¦show more content†¦With increased innovation in VR technology on the way, it is clear that how online casinos conduct themselves from a marketing perspective was a notable a hot topic. Furthering that, mobile casino gaming was also addressed by several key names at the event. Unconventional Approach Technically RACE 2015 had no headline speaker, but most seems to attach such title to Tal Itshak Ron. His presentation drew the biggest crowd, largely as he addressed to underlying issues within the industry to a great extent. Key to his speech was the niche and more unconventional online casinos that have emerged. He discussed the validity of the concepts that many of these casinos represent, along with how key they are to industry landscape diversity. Bitcoin was another issue placed under the spotlight, as he discussed how it could change how the industry functions in the years to come. RACE 2015 Awards Obviously, as with any congress or expo these days there is an award ceremony incorporated into proceedings. The awards at RACE have become highly coveted, largely as they stand as a symbol of industry excellence. This year 9 different awards were handed out, with each award seemingly as coveted as the last. The most prominent award from a marketing perspective went to BETCART, who were deemed to have the Best Gambling Affiliate Program. Increasing

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Music And Censorship (1899 words) Essay Example For Students

Music And Censorship (1899 words) Essay Music And CensorshipIn our society today, some musicians and their music drain and plague the moral and spiritual well-being of the people; therefore, censorship offers a necessary action that we must take to keep the world from becoming a land of decadence. The musicians lives are not examples for the children or the adults. The lyrics of many songs are not suitable for anyone. All types of music need some kind of censorship. Censorship makes a person realize that music is good for the heart. Censorship totally makes people act better, and when thinking better, this sustains a better society. The lives of some musicians contain types of anarchy and self-gratification. Once the musicians realize that people want not just their music but them as well, they act as gods, which no one can touch. For example, think of it like a secret dictatorship, and we breathe as a fascist society, which puts fun and feelings above the Lord, above all. Many of the musicians consist of non-religious people who live only for fun and only for themselves. Why then would we, especially as Christians, put our total devotion in them? It exists like wanting to ride with a blind driver rather than one with perfect vision. In addition many of the musicians use drugs and stimulants to satisfy their hunger for themselves and for pure fun. The musicians tend to use drugs massively, to get out of the very real world that they consist so much a part of. Popularity seems pleasing but when one has the affections and total devotion of a mass of people, that person can not handle it because that person does not have Jesus personality and only He could truly control that much fidelity. One person who truly could not handle the excitement was Jimi Hendrix(Appendix A). Instead of performing as himself and using his talent for good, he used rebellion and used many drugs. On stage, Jimi Hendrix would put hits of acid in his headband. When he perspired, the sweat, containing acid would run down into his eyes and make him higher than a kite. Most people never actually saw Jimi Hendrix the person, but a blurred vision of him. When Jimi performed on stage at Woodstock(Appendix B and C), a man from the crowd asked him, Jimi are you high? He simply replied back to the man, Thanks man I got mine, causing the crowd to act wild almost as if he had saved someones life, but ironically he unintentionally destroyed their lives. In addition Bob Dylan(Appendix D and E) also talked about getting stoned in some of his music. The song Rainy Day Woman #12 and #13, blatantly says that everybody must get stoned. That tells people to disobey the law and tells people to mangle the temple of God, our bodies by perverting it with drugs and stimulants. Many musicians make a mockery of their fans. The lead singers subsist to do this the most because of the vocal opportunities they have to express their discontent with life and thrust their ideas upon those who hypnotize with the musicians power position, thus, makes the listeners obey their thoughts without fully knowing. The lead singer Billie Jo, for Green Day, says to his fans, Im not going to say anything f****** intelligent, Im just going too swear a whole d*** lot. The Bible tells us that we should let everything that comes out of our mouth praise Him, and swearing for any reason doesnt really praise Him at all and is degrading for us as well. Almost like if he did not swear than we wouldnt like him or understand him. In addition the lead singer for Kiss would spit on his fans. He would get the crowd to spit in a spittoon-type container, and by the end of the concert, he would drink the saliva and then he would use what dwelled left in the spittoon to spit on the crowd. This creates a bad influence on anybody and makes a person believe that it justifies him to do these actions because he dwells on stage, which totally in fact creates wrong, and not right. Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking EssayCensorship puts a cap on ungodly music and makes music a good experience that is productive and positive, rather than a negative one. Music can be a tool in which we may learn examples of life, just look at the book of Psalms. In chapter 23 the whole chapter is called the Shepherds Song and it is a song that we can learn from. Stopping the flow of profanity will make a person less inclined to think about an action and furthermore, less likely to act upon one. If a person doesnt think about something, then usually that person wont do it. When masses of people are saying that it is all right to do things that are wrong over a period of time, people become prone to the wrong doing and it suddenly becomes part of the norm to them. Even though it is still wrong, we dont even realize it. Repetition makes a mind think. To study for a test a person must read things over and over again to learn it. When we hear music we like, we listen to it over and over again to memorize and subconsciencously think about the words of the song that were listening to. When people hear ungodly lyrics over and over, they tend to think like their surroundings and music is a part of that. After hearing and memorizing words people form their own ideals and make new religions and leave God forever. Also, people hear music far more than they read the Bible, and if the music is damaging to us then negative thoughts will cloud out the Biblical ones. Just like one negative number will make a positive number come down. Censorship offers a better society in general, in which we can all live in harmony and learn to respect music power. People would respect the laws more because there would be a definite decline of ungodly things, acts and thoughts with censorship we wont think on ungodly things as much, therefore have a better society. Fewer crimes would be committed because there would be no musicians telling the public to break them or kill cops. People make musicians their idols and want to do what their idols say. With censorship we would learn to meditate on the right things. We would see the essence of music and learn to see the total spectrum of life rather than just our life. Good thoughts with productive meaning would flow through our heads. We would hear positive things and make us think about positive things in general. Christian music is a great example of what we should listen. People would learn to answer things with their minds and not their fists. People would think about positive ideas and positive outcomes to quarrels, that usually involved fighting or backstabbings. Work CitedCole, Richard and Richard Trubo. Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin Uncensored. 1st ed. NY: Littletown, 1992. James Hetfield. Rolling Stone 15th April 1993: 56H. Landy, Elliot. Woodstock Vision: The Spirit of a Generation. NY: Seabury, 1991. Milward, John. Field of Dreams. Rolling Stone 11 August 1994: 36. Music- America Online 1995. Comptons Encyclopedia. Savage, Jon. Englands Dreaming: anarchy, Sex Pistols, punk rocks, and beyond. New York: Copper books, 1991. Young, Neil, The Rolling Stone Files: The Ultimate Compendium of Interviews, Articles, Facts and Opinions From the Files of Rolling Stone. NY. 1994. Censorship: The Music That Plagues UsMusic